Online forms - for your convenience
Join online
To join our Union, please use the button below, which will take you to the form that provides us with all the information we need to establish your membership.
Direct Debit Request (DDR)
Request your account to Direct Debit, please download both forms here.
Away From Trade
This status means you are not currently working in the plumbing industry but may do so in the future. The Away from Trade status cost $75 per six months and keeps your membership in the system on a "hold" situation, allowing you to still do courses at the training college etc. This status enables your membership to be resumed to a full rates status easily when necessary.
Full Resignation
Full resignation from the Union ceases your membership completely. If you did require your membership in the future, you would need to do a completely new re-join application to be presented and accepted by Committee of Management, and pay the 6 months full membership as well as a possible $500 re-join fee if applicable.
Retirement status means you have completely retired from the workforce. You will continue to receive a copy of the journal, wall calendar and an invitation to the end of year retired members function.
Resume Full Membership
This status if for members who are currently on 'Away From Trade' status and have returned to the industry.